Pinterest and Your Small Business Service Brand

Pinterest is fast becoming one of the most popular social networking sites in the world. More and more brands are using it to effectively promote their products or services within the site. As a small business service brand, would it be worthwhile for you to sign up on Pinterest?

Well, it depends. Some small business service brands can be highly successful in promoting their brand on Pinterest, but there are others who may not garner the same success and may be better off promoting their brand elsewhere. So if you're a brand who's offering services, not products, should you consider social marketing on Pinterest or not? Here are some things you should think about:

1. Do your services translate well visually?

There are certain small businesses that offer services that translate well visually. Photographers, for example, can effectively utilize Pinterest's virtual pinboard by showcasing their best photos and shots. Wedding coordinators can create pinboards of the weddings they've organized, as well as other pictures that inspire them to organize wonderful weddings. These visual displays can help people learn more about your work and determine whether your services fit their requirements.

Lawyers, on the other hand, may not be able to promote their brand effectively on Pinterest. Sure they can create boards of the things they love and the things that inspire them, but it's not going to let people know how effective they're going to be in the courtroom.

So if the services you're offering translate well visually, then definitely consider promoting your brand on Pinterest.

2. Is your target audience on Pinterest?

Majority of Pinterest users are women, so if your small business service brand caters to women more than men, then you should definitely consider adding the site to your marketing mix.

Of course, this doesn't mean that if your services cater more to men, that you shouldn't be on Pinterest. But you may have to think twice and consider other options so you can reach your target audience better.

3. Are you willing to devote time on the site?

Just like other social networking sites, it's important to devote time and effort to your page on the site, so that you build a good number of followers. You want to make things interesting for your audience, so you should regularly post, comment and reply to people, and make sure to follow, share and like other pinboards as well. You can't build a following if you're not going to update regularly and if you aren't willing to devote time to interacting with your audience.

After you've considered these three things, here are some tips to help you market your small business service brand on Pinterest:

• Too much self-promotion is a No-No

Too much self-promotion on Pinterest isn't going to earn you points on it. Remember that it's still primarily a social networking site, so it's important that you make sure to share other things in addition to the services you're offering.

What you can do is create interest in your services by sharing content that's inspiring and based on a broader theme. This helps build a community around your brand, and doesn't hint of over self-promotion.

• Connect your Pinterest with your other social media accounts

To effectively convert buzz to bucks, you should definitely connect your Pinterest with your website, your blog, and your other social networking sites. This helps promote your page and drive traffic to your website. You want to direct people to the place where they can become your clients and avail of your services.

• Be more personal

The best thing about Pinterest is the fact that you can show off who you are and what you love. Personalize your page - take the time to update the appearance of your Pinterest page so that it reflects who you are and what your brand is all about. And again, don't be all about business - lighten up. Show people what inspires you and create boards that are funny and interesting. Social marketing is all about connecting with your audience, and the best way to connect with them is to show them the personal side of you.

Your small business service brand can definitely benefit from maintaining an account on Pinterest. So don't be too quick on dismissing this popular medium. Pinterest is fast becoming an excellent platform for marketing small businesses.

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Pinterest and Your Small Business Service Brand
Pinterest and Your Small Business Service Brand
Reviewed by barbara hair mouse
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Rating : 4.5